If you were unable to attend one of the evenings, or you would like to re-experience the meditations, they are now available for purchase. The energy of the transmissions comes through in the recordings, and each time you listen the experience will be different as you shift and expand.
Please note that recordings of meditations (marked by a gold star) are available on request for a small donation. Please contact Karin: karin@dolphinpress.com or starre7@comcast.net
Recording Archive 2021
Cacao Ceremony
Sun., March 7th, 2021
Invite in the Elohim, Archangels Michael and Gabriel, Quan Yin, our indigenous ancestors, the spirit of the cacao, the eagle and our star kin. Intend a gridwork of circles of light.
A beautiful meditation guided
by Karin with recorded music.

Sacred Harp Sounds
Sun., May 2nd, 2021
Inviting in the Elohim, the Stargate angel, Raphael, Gabriel, Mary Magdalene, Jeshua, the elementals, fairies, unicorns, the Christ Consciousness & our Future Selves.
A beautiful meditation guided
by Karin with recorded music.

Sun., Feb. 7th, 2021
Activate the Causal, the Soul Star, & Earth Star Chakras. Invite in the elemental beings, the fairy kingdom, Mary & Jeshua, our inner child, Dragon & the Pleiadians.
A beautiful meditation guided
by Karin with recorded music.

The Crystalline Grid
Sun., April 11th, 2021
Inviting in the Elohim; activating the Causal, Soul Star & Earth Star chakras. On the New Earth bathing in a crystalline pool; fire purification inside the mountain & the dolphins & whales.
A beautiful meditation guided
by Karin with recorded music.

Frequency Activation
Sun., June 6th, 2021
Inviting in the Elohim, Metatron, and with dragon travel to Mt. Shasta. Calling in Adama & Telos, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Galactic Federation, & the Andromeda High Council.
A beautiful meditation guided
by Karin with recorded music.

Sun., July 11th, 2021
We invite in the Elohim & connect to the higher chakras, the dolphins & whales, the Sirians, the Pleiadians, the Galactic Federation & the Andromeda High Council.
A beautiful meditation guided
by Karin with recorded music.

Community Song Circle
Sun., Aug. 15th, 2021
We invite in the Elohim, Raphael & Gabriel. We connect to the many Circles of Light holding the high the vibration of community around the globe.
A beautiful meditation guided
by Karin with recorded music.

Crystalline Grid, Part II
Sun., Sept. 13th, 2021
We invite in the Elohim, Mother Mary & Jeshua. On the New Earth we receive a beautiful crystal from a Being of Light. We call on our Future Self.
A beautiful meditation guided
by Karin with recorded music.

Harp Healing
Sun., Oct. 17th, 2021
We call on the Elohim, Quan Yin, the Buddha, & Raphael. We bathe in a crystalline pool, connect to our Inner Child, our Star Families and to the high vibrations of the Central Sun.
A beautiful meditation guided
by Karin with recorded music.

Sounds of Freedom
Sun., Nov. 7th, 2021
We invite in the Elohim, Mary, archangels Michael & Zadkiel, St. Germain, our native American elders, the spirit of the eagle & the cetaceans.
A beautiful meditation guided
by Karin with recorded music.

Magic & Miracles
Sun., Dec. 5th, 2021
We invite in the Elohim, the Stargate angel, Gabriel, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene & Jeshua, the fairy realm, the unicorns & the star families.
A beautiful meditation guided
by Karin with recorded music.