Welcome to Stargate Evenings—an evening of beautiful guided meditation using conscious intention and a stargate to assist in focusing high vibrational energies to create a quantum field. Stargate Evenings are usually held on the 1st Sunday of the month in Novato, CA.
For more information please contact:
Karin: starre7@comcast.net.
Meditation From December
Next Stargate Event
Stargate Evening: Peace on Earth—A Magical, Metaphysical Gift Exchange
With Karin
Feeling into the heart and feeling the deep peace, the stillness, the quiet joy and surrender to all that is. Inviting in the angels, Archangels Gabriel and Michael, and Jeshua and Mary. We invite in the sparkle and the magic of the the fairy folk and the unicorn, a symbol of Christ consciousness. We call in our star family and intend peace and prosperity for our beautiful planet. And so it is, so it is . . .
A beautiful meditation guided by Karin.