About Karin
Karin is the Stargate facilitator currently leading the Stargate Evening meditations. Early on in life, Karin worked as a Waldorf and eurythmy teacher both in Norway and in the United States. In 1997 a near death experience led to a profound inner meditational experience with dolphins on the inner planes. She decided to seek them out in the wild, which led to leading trips to the Caribbean to be with the bottlenose dolphins, which she did for 16 years. She has written a book about her experiences with the cetaceans called Dancing on Water: Adventures with Dolphins, Whales & Interspecies Communication and has produced a deck of intuitive cards called the Starwalker Oracle Deck inspired largely by her meditational experiences with Stargate.
For more information about the Starwalker Oracle Deck: StarwalkerOracleCards.com

About Timothy
Timothy is the creator of the music for all the meditations up until March 2019. He says, "Modern science is starting to realize that everything is vibration. Everything that vibrates makes a sound (even if we cannot hear it)." Timothy Surya Das is a modern-day sonic alchemist: a composer and multi-instrumentalist, a Reiki Master and Certified Sound Healing practitioner. He was drawn to the Stargate, after witnessing the wonderful energetic shifts in other people that had recently been to Stargate intensives.
For more information about Timothy's music: www.harmonicdreams.com