Swim, Play and Ride with Dolphins in Paradise

Dolphin Trainer for a Week Program - 2006 - Week 1


Quotes from 2006 Participants

   Wow! Fabulous trip of a lifetime—a dream come true! This is "BIG KIDS' CAMP."

— Paris Salido, CA

   Remember when you'd say "I wish I had known then what I know now and be able to do it again?" Well this trip is that kind of experience. Being in the now with the knowledge of yesterday. VERY SPECIAL. Thank you for your Radical Trust in Spirit! All things are possible after all. Radical Trust = Faith = Surrender = A Life Well Lived."

— Sheri Powers, Attorney, CA

   It is a paradigm of vacations with a purpose. Perfect family resort and great for a group of friends. It allows you to create whatever you wish.

— Wende Burdick, WI

  ABSOFRIKINLUTELY Phenomenal—Cosmic—Outathisworld!

— Ruben Ayala, CA



© Copyright 2006